Naruto blood prison fanfic
Naruto blood prison fanfic

naruto blood prison fanfic

Naruto begrudgingly agrees - and immediately begins to plan how to paint bomb Mizuki anywhere but the Academy.

  • Exact Words: Iruka requests Naruto not to paint bomb Mizuki when he enters the classroom.
  • Engineered Public Confession: To force Mizuki to reveal his treason, the Third Hokage has Naruto go meet the man and brings several people to witness the meeting through his crystal ball.
  • Dumbass Has a Point: After Naruto defeats her in a best-of-five fight, Sakura admits that Naruto is right in that she needs to put more effort in her physical training.
  • Sarutobi cringes internally because the Fourth Hokage was actually Naruto's father and he defeated the Fox by sealing it into a newborn Naruto.
  • Dramatic Irony: When the Third Hokage reveals how the Fourth Hokage died fighting the Nine-Tailed Fox, Naruto expresses a tad of hero worship for the man.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Naruto defeats Mizuki without suffering more than a few scratches.
  • Cruel to Be Kind: Naruto would rather not have to fight Sakura, but if it is the best way to ensure she takes her training seriously, then he will.
  • Made of chakra metal by the Higurashis, it has a second blade and contains several small weapons within.
  • Cool Sword: Naruto's kodachi, Kogetsu Kyuushiki (Arc/Fox Moon Type Nine).
  • naruto blood prison fanfic

  • Character Development: The Gamer helps Naruto become more mature and capable of improving himself.
  • When Might Guy is called out about this, he immediately sets out to solve his huge oversight.
  • Similarly, Tenten's lack of knowledge about ninjutsu is because Might Guy was planning to find a tutor for her, only for his main choices to be unavailable followed by the training of Rock Lee taking up a lot of his time.
  • naruto blood prison fanfic

    When Iruka and the Third Hokage learn of Naruto's actual living circumstances and about all the difficulties in his daily life and studies, they immediately act to put an end to those circumstances and give Naruto the means to improve his situation.Here, the Bitch in Sheep's Clothing persona is not present and he is actively antagonistic towards Naruto to the point of trying to sabotage him constantly during his time at the Academy. Adaptational Villainy: Canonically, Mizuki had manipulated Naruto into stealing the Scroll of Seals at the start of the series and tried murdering him and Iruka.Ayane Ichiraku was once a ninja trainee, but had to leave school to help her father.Sakura and Ten-Ten also appear to be going this way through the training Naruto puts them through. Adaptational Badass: Naruto himself is one, having obtained a number of elemental jutsu and the Shadow Clone Technique before graduating.

    Naruto blood prison fanfic